people playing with sparklers

For this New Year, and for always, I encourage you to create a fulfilling life for yourself from an authentic place of truth and power while moving consciously toward your destiny.

I encourage you to always remember that you and the stars are created from the same energy. So when thinking of your New Year’s resolutions, think of what light you will bring to the world. The light I bring to you right now is empowering guidance that has already helped me live and love in a more powerful and purposeful way. Bring in the New Year with the following words in your heart, and you will see your greatest potential unfold in your life.

Do what must be done and do it masterfully without apprehension or vacillation. Say what must be said and say it sincerely without fear or malice. Feel what must be felt and feel it completely without censorship or guilt. Listen to what must be heard and listen attentively with an openness of heart.

Learn what must be known and learn it proficiently in a meaningful context. Question what must be challenged and question it wisely with respect and good intention. Release what must be freed and release it willingly without bitterness or regret.

I invite each of you to accept whatever invitation is being extended to you in your life just now and to make this New Year the best year of your life.

And now we “Honor the Ending” of this calendar year. The journey of a year is drawing to a close. Cherish the moments, all of them, even the ups and downs. Cherish the places you’ve visited and the people you’ve seen. Say goodbye to those whose journeys have called them someplace else. Know you can always call them back by thinking loving thoughts. Know all those you love will be there for you when you need them most. Honor the journeys that your soul mapped out for you. Trust all the places you’ve been. Make a scrapbook in your heart to help you remember.

Look back for a moment. Reflect in peace. Then let this year draw to a close. All parts of the journey are sacred and holy. You’ve learned that by now. Take time to honor this, ending-though it’s never really the end. When you wake up tomorrow, and every tomorrow after that, a new adventure will begin.

“Remember the words you were told when this last adventure began, the words whispered quietly to your heart: Let the journey unfold. Let it be magical. The way has been prepared. People will be expecting you. Yes, you are being led.” -Melodie Beattie

Happy New Year, My Friends. Know that Inner Peace is available to you each and every moment. And know that you are blessed.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Your Heart deserves a

Healing Journey