person checking heart rate on watch

Do you know that heart disease is the #1 killer of women? Do you also know that the symptoms of heart disease in women can be very different than the symptoms in men? In women, true pain may be absent, and what may present is overwhelming fatigue. Friday, February 6, 2009, is National Wear Red Day-a day when Americans nationwide will take women’s health to heart by wearing red to show their support for women’s heart disease awareness.

Join The Heart Truth on National Wear Red Day to help spread the critical message that “Heart Disease Doesn’t Care What You Wear-It’s the #1 Killer of Women.” Everyone can participate in the national movement by wearing their favorite red dress, shirt, tie, or Red Dress Pin on Friday, February 6, 2009.

Women…do this for yourself, your friends, and your sisters. Men…do this for all the women that are important to you. Do this for all women. Additionally, you may want to take a risk self-assessment offered by Clarian Health Partners. Click Here for this self-assessment.

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

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