Love is all you need.
I’ll say that again :)
Love is all you need.
How can this be? ….
I’ll share an amazing and profound secret with you in case you haven’t already heard…
*If you have Love, you already have Everything*
If you have Love, you already have Everything.
If you have Love, there is nothing more to have.
Love is unity. It is all-inclusive. It is the most powerful force in the universe… Love is the very energy of the life force itself.
Everything is made of love. Everything that exists has been created with the pure energy of Divine Love.
And through Love’s Unity, you are One with everything. If you have Love, you have it all!
All of our spiritual gifts – peace, joy, abundance, prosperity, freedom, and so on – all of these gifts are manifestations of Love. They are created with Love, by Love. Love holds everything. Including everything you could ever need.
Love is pure abundance. To have Love, is to have. If you have Love, you have access to an unlimited, infinite supply of anything and everything you could ever need, want, wish and hope for.
Love is what unifies us with our loved ones – both those still in physical form and those purely in spirit. Our experience of reality will always center on what we acknowledge our oneness with. We are already one with every possibility that exists. What brings any possibility into our experience of reality is determined by our own focus. What you focus on, you draw more of into your experience. If you choose to focus on your oneness and unity with Love, then you will be acknowledging your oneness with all that is, and this will enable you, empower you, and open the channel of infinite possibility (Divine Love) for you to experience anything you desire!
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash