light shining through trees in fall

September heralds the end of summer, and it is a time of pure magic! Everything is changing. Days are becoming shorter. The air is crisper, and fall colors are beginning to emerge. The energies just feel different, and there is a sense of expectancy, a sense that something is changing. For many, this is also a time of personal transformation.

A transforming event occurs when a change is forced upon us, and we must reassess our choices and our possibilities. This could manifest as the loss of a job, relationship, or life situation that we had assumed would be around until we were ready to let it go. Or the opportunity for transformation may appear in the form of a situation that we have not wanted to deal with for a long time, and we are suddenly forced to face it. This is transformation at work, an opportunity for us to create a new form of our reality, a new way of being. What we do with that information will define whether transformation and change can occur or whether we will continue on the same path.

A key to working with transformation is how much we believe in, honor, and love ourselves. Whether we believe that we deserve the best and highest good determines how we perceive the situation that has suddenly appeared before us. Do we see a new beginning or yet another crisis that we must somehow manage? Do we try to fit the change into our current reality, or are we aware of other opportunities? As with any aspect of our reality, what we allow ourselves to see determines the energy that we will work with.

If we remember that we have complete control over every aspect of our reality, then we can make self-affirming choices when faced with events whose purpose is to help us change our reality. If not, then we see these events as confirmation of our powerlessness and feel helpless. We are supposed to be living ‘in joy’ all of the time. And we will have opportunities to change anything that does not resonate at that frequency. Transforming events can be magical, exciting times when we step into our power and create the life we have been wishing for. Use the energy of transformation in this way, and change will become your sidekick instead of your enemy, and your journey will be miraculous, fun, and joyful.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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