fireworks celebrating the new year

As you approach the final days of the year, look back, not with sighs of relief that a challenging year is over, but rather with a gentle celebration of gratitude. Each and every day is a blessing. No matter what trials or difficulties you have endured, they have forged you and strengthened you in your awareness of self-growth.

During the final days of 2008, let’s look back with appreciation for all that has occurred. Above all, take the time to appreciate the growth you have achieved this year – the increase in faith, the increased desire to be a loving person, and the ability to be resourceful and make do at times when you didn’t know where to turn. These are the gifts of the soul that your creator is presenting to each and every one of you. And with these gifts, you can approach the new year with a renewed sense of excitement, adventure, and freedom. 2009 is going to be a year of movement and change and an opportunity for great growth for all of us.

We are clearing out the residues of our past so that we can move into the new year unencumbered. If there are any burdens weighing you down – either internal or external, write them down and give them to Spirit. Ask for an increased experience of the divine light within, for with this light comes the awareness that all is within you, waiting to be called forth into grand and glorious expression.

Happy New Year by Design

Written by Sue Urda

How many New Years Eves have you seen come and go? How many of these years brought about significant change for you? If you are like most people, you have seen many years pass right by without much change in your life. Sometimes even back-to-back years come and go, and your life remains virtually the same. Same job, same people, same activities and interests, same body, same vacation… the list goes on. Are you ready for something new and different? Is it time to shake things up a bit? Is it time to add some life to your life?

Your Happy New Year will never be an accident; Happy New Year is created by design. Start by designing in your mind your ideal life. Start with the people in your life. Imagine your closest relationships getting closer, more fun, and more meaningful. Look into your heart… what is there that you haven’t expressed? Decide how you will express it in your relationships, in your work, and in your play. Look into your career. Are you on a path that excites you, brings you satisfaction and fulfillment, or gives you security? Look at your daily activities. What can you do to bump up the joy meter? Look at yourself. Do you feel physically and emotionally free, healthy, and happy? Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate your lifestyle and habits.

Changes don’t have to be huge to make a huge difference. One small shift starts the wheels turning and before you know it, you are in for a wonderful ride! Have a Happy New Year by Design. Now, that’s Powerful!

Photo by Chris Gilbert on Unsplash

Your Heart deserves a

Healing Journey