plant blooming in pots

Spring has arrived. The tulips and daffodils are peeking up in my yard, and the trees are budding. This time of year always brings me much anticipation and hope. It’s a new beginning, a perfect time for change and renewal.

Spring is a great time for each of us to create or reaffirm our personal vision for health and well-being. To begin anew within your life. When we begin again – spiritually, emotionally, physically – we open the way for “newness” in our lives.

It all starts with our thoughts. We have a choice in how we feel and respond in any circumstance. We can choose to let our thoughts carry us into drama and upset–or we can choose otherwise. What you think is what you get! What you give energy to, even as negative energy, is what you get more of.

Today, choose to see the good in everything around you. When frustration and criticism begin to negate any person or situation, immediately choose to find something positive to focus upon – some good in the situation, the sound of birds singing, the smell of fresh spring air.

I would rather have peace, lightheartedness, and joy than anger, frustration, worry, and disappointment. Wouldn’t you? BEGIN NOW! Spring is here! The new opportunity of bursting forth life is here for each of us!

Good… Good… Good Vibrations

This is not just the title of a song (one that some of my more “seasoned” readers will recognize). It is also the way to health, wellness, peace, and joy in our lives.

Energy, known as Life Force Energy, is everywhere in the universe, and there are subtle energies that run throughout our bodies. A main characteristic of these energies is “vibration,” though you may hear the terms of frequency and resonance used as well. A higher vibration is associated with balance, joy, peace, and a sense of contentment and wellness. Lower vibrations are associated with imbalance, unrest or uneasiness, frustration, disappointment, anger, and other negative emotions.

Our bodies, minds, and emotions are the best barometers for where we are carrying our energetic vibrations. We know that physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, stomach ache or GERD, and headache can be brought on or aggravated by emotional upset. Carried long enough, disease and illness appear, and physical healing is compromised.

If our energy is not in balance, our health is not in balance. This energy block impacts our bodies, our minds, our emotions, and our spirit, as the four elements of the Self are interconnected. When the energy is balanced, healing begins on all levels. As we are able to be in the higher vibrations of love, forgiveness, and acceptance, we experience more peace and wellness in our lives. It is this experience of energy and the body’s response that is the basis for my Holistic Healing Practice.

As an Intuitive Healer, I sense, through my hands, energy imbalances inside the body. Once detected, I guide you in the identification of emotional, mental, physical, and/or spiritual causes of the imbalance or blockage. As a Healer, I become a channel for the Life Force Energy to come through, and it is with my intention that the energy flows through my hands into the areas of blockage. As the energy flows, a shift occurs in the body’s energy centers, therefore bringing the body into a more balanced state.

If you have never experienced a session in receiving healing energy, then I invite you to call for an appointment to see for yourself how your body feels after a session. There are many healing energies offered today, including Therapeutic Touch, Cranial Sacral, Esoteric, and Reiki, to mention a few.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Your Heart deserves a

Healing Journey